This isn't really news to the world, but it's news to me. The highest average gross income in 2011 was in Beijing at 4672 RMB, or about $752 per month. The province I currently live in, Zhejiang tops the list of the provinces, with 3888 RMB, or $626 per month. The poorest is Gansu, at 2742 RMB, or $442 per month (
To get a more realistic sense of what that money can buy locally, we should adjust the numbers by the World Bank's purchasing power conversion factor, found at Since an American dollar has the purchasing power of 4.19 RMB, but the official exchange rate is actually 6.21, the average Beijing citizen will have the purchasing power of 6.21/4.19 times that. So monthly purchasing power would be:
Beijing: $1115/month;
Zhejiang: $928/month;
To put that into perspective further, the average US income is $4009/month (also Numbers like these make me think for many reasons. One question the plagues me is this: Am I really in solidarity with the majority of people in the world? If you are like me, and you earn more than $2138 a year, you are in the upper 50% (
If you want to know just how filthy-stinking-rich you are, check out this calculator: