Friday, 5 May 2017

How Dangerous is Canadian Nuclear Energy?

The Dangers of Radiation
Canadian nuclear energy generation entails risk of illness and death through radiation at all stages of production: mining and processing into fuel rods; nuclear power generation; and disposal of nuclear waste. These risks are not entirely understood due to the lack of clear understanding of the means by which radiation causes illness. However, more than 6 decades of nuclear power production in Canada as well as the experiences of other countries provide a context for understanding the risks that Canada is likely to face due to this industry. And this will shed some light on how risky nuclear power is compared to other sources of energy.
Nuclear waste is dangerous partly because of chemical toxicity and partly due to the ionizing radiation of the waste. Avoiding chemical toxicity is mainly addressed during the mining stage when small radioactive materials are air-bound and potentially enter the water supply. Radiation is an ongoing concern to the nuclear industry, advocacy groups and the regulatory agencies. The absorption of ionizing radiation is measured in millisieverts (mSv). The typical background radiation people receive is around 1.8 mSv / year and the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission’s guideline for additional radiation for the public is less than 1 mSv/year (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 2017a).
It is uncertain how much radiation is safe, as the mechanisms through which ionizing radiation lead to increased cancer risk are not well-understood. One model is that there is a critical threshold of 100 mSv at which increasing radiation exposure increases risk and that would suggest that low levels of nuclear exposure is not problematic (Cuttler 2014). However, Canadian safety guidelines assume the more conservative model in which any ionizing radiation exposure increases risk.
The initial evidence that nuclear radiation was dangerous came from observing the after-effects of the nuclear fallout after the atom bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945. Among those exposed to 6000 millisieverts, all of them died. Of those exposed to 4500 mSv, half died (MIT). Additional evidence came from observing effects of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown in 1986 and the Fukushima meltdown in 2009. At somewhat lower levels of 1000 mSv, radiation sickness occurs. Emergency workers are limited to 500 mSv/year and workers at nuclear power plants are limited to 100 over a 5-year span, and 50 mSv in a giver year (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 2017a).

Uranium mining and processing
Canada’s uranium ore is mined in the Athabasca Basin in northern Saskatchewan. It contains very high grade uranium ore, between 10 and 100 times richer than uranium ore mined elsewhere and is on average 18% uranium (NRCAN 2017a). This occurs at a mere 3 mines. The MacArthur River Mine produced 8173 tonnes of uranium oxide in 2016; the Cigar Lake Mine 7863 tonnes; and the Rabbit Lake Mine 505 tonnes. Numerous sites have been decommissioned and 3 more are proposed.
The mining process entails certain pollution problems, however. The uranium itself is damaging to tissues if inhaled or ingested, so mining it requires certain precautions. Uranium leakage itself is a risk, but worse are the associated by-products of thorium-230 and radium 236, in the form as large waste rocks of mill-tailings. Despite the potential for harm however, workers at mines and mills only receive an additional 1 mSv of radiation per year, on average (Canadian Nuclear Association 2017).
Winfield, et al. (2006) estimate that in 2001, there were 108 million tonnes of waste rock, and such waste was being added at about 3 million tonnes a year. Using this yearly figure to estimate ensuing years provides an estimate of about 153 million tonnes of waste rock in 2016. They also estimate tailings of 575,000 tonnes in 2003. However they erroneously use 1.8% uranium grade rather than 18%. Making this adjustment would suggest that better estimate would be 481,340 tonnes in that year. Adding 13 years at that rate to the stock of 213 million tonnes in 2003, suggests a stock of about 219 million tonnes of tailings in 2016.
Currently, mill tailings are managed by placing them back on the site of mined out pits, after partly dewatering the area in order to minimize contamination of the water table. Groundwater channels are directed toward the site, rather than away from it (NRCAN 2007c).
The mill tailings can theoretically seep into groundwater, producing toxic drinking water to surrounding communities. This has proved to be a major concern in the United States with more uranium mines and more densely populated areas (Institute For Energy and Environmental Research 2017). Still, since Canadian mines are in the Athabasca river region, there is danger of contamination of nearby water areas. This is a risk mainly to a small population in northern Saskatchewan where mining currently occurs. However 10 of the tailing management facilities are near Eliot Lake, Ontario, population 10,000 (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 2017b).
 The mined uranium ore is shipped to Blind River to be processed into uranium trioxide. Then it is further to Port Hope, Ontario, where it is converted into uranium hexafluoride for export, as well as uranium dioxide. The uranium dioxide is used to create uranium fuel in Port Hope, Toronto and Peterborough and then shipped to CANDU reactors at each of Canada’s 4 active nuclear power plants.

Nuclear Power Plants
Canada’s nuclear power is generated at 4 nuclear power plants. These are the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Tiverton, Ontario on Lake Huron; the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station in Clarington Ontario, on Lake Ontario; the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station in Pickering Ontario, also on Lake Ontario and the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, near Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, on the Bay of Fundy. The Gentily Generating Station in Quebec was decommissioned in 2012 (NRCAN 2017b). These currently operating plants collectively contain 19 CANDU reactors. These reactors are Canadian inventions, and use deuterium-oxide to catalyze uranium fuel reactions. Additionally, the CANADU reactors are capable of using Thorium as a fuel source, which is 4 times as abundant as uranium and may be exploited in the future.
Whether nuclear power workers have a significant increased health risk is controversial. Lemstra (2009) in a meta-analysis of the risks of nuclear power globally found that Canada posted much higher risks of developing fatal cancers, but the sample of affected workers was low enough that this effect might have been by chance. Lemstra suggests that Canadian nuclear workers faced increased risk of fatal cancer of near 665% higher than average Canadians and 97% on average of a 15 country study. However, researchers such as Chambers (2009) have pointed out that this is the increased risk per Sievert. But since workers are only subjected to about 20 mSv per year, it implies that the additional risk that the international cohort power plant workers face is about 2% greater (Chambers 2009). Even using Lemstra’s figures, those workers getting less than 100 mSv don’t have a statistically significant additional risk (Cuttler 2014).
Canada has not yet had any serious nuclear accidents. In 1952 and 1958 Canada experienced its most serious accidents at the Chalk River Laboratories but even in those cases no fatalities were caused, nor was there any increased risk to the public established. The most serious impact was on a Bjarnie Paulsen, cleanup worker, who was found to have developed non-fatal skin cancer as a result of his cleanup activities (Curan 1985). Since the 1950’s, there have been minor incidents, but mostly they involved leakages of heavy water or coolant. There was an incident in 1997 in which a small amount of nuclear waste (i.e. 0.1% of the plant’s allowance) was dumped into Lake Ontario in error. But the CNSC determined this posed negligible risk to the nearby community.
                The ongoing radiation from normal nuclear power plant operation is not an area of great concern. Before being decommissioned, Chalk River Laboratories emitted the most radiation of any of the plants. It amounted to 0.135 mSv to the public at large; 5 mSv for the most at risk plant workers (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 2017a).
                Disaster scenarios like that at Fukushima are not considered very likely by Canadian Nuclear regulators or the industry, but the risks are not entirely trivial. Historical geological dangers to consider involve earthquakes and tsunamis. Earthquakes are not currently a major risk. In the last 500 years, Canada has only had 8 earthquakes that measured 7.0 or above on the Richter Scale. The only one within 1000 km of a nuclear power plant or storage facility occurred in Charlevoix, Quebec in 1663. Even at the time, the property damage was minimal (Natural Resources Canada 2011). Geological changes over the course of tens of thousands of years will alter these risks, but do not appear to be a significant risk over a timeframe of mere centuries.
                Tsunamis are of some long-term concern, though perhaps not with current sea levels. The Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station is on the Bay of Fundy, which has the highest tides in the world. Because of this, it attracted a considerable amount of attention from the media and anti-nuclear activists such as Greenpeace following the Fukushima disaster (Dunphy 2014). There are no protective tsunami barriers like those that existed at Fukushima, but the power plant is 14 meters above sea level. Also, New Brunswick is at much less risk than Japan, on account of the land mass of Nova Scotia acting as a kind of buffer from ocean waves.

Waste management facilities

Short to Intermediate-term Storage
The management of nuclear waste is the responsibility of the firms that produce it—that is, the 4 active nuclear power plants, the decommissioned ones, and researchers who use small amounts of radioactive material. Approximately 94% of the waste is from the 4 active plants and about 5% from the 2 Gentily plants, which were decommissioned in 2012 (National Waste Management Organization 2017). There are 20 sites for nuclear waste disposal in Canada: 4 in Tiverton, Ontario; 4 in Port Hope, Ontario; 2 in Chalk River, Ontario; 2 in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec; 1 in Pickering, Ontario, 1 in Saint John, New Brunswick; 1 in Darlington, Ontario; 1 in Brampton, Ontario, 1 in Branford, Ontario; 1 in Toronto, Ontario; 1 in Edmonton, Alberta; and 1 in Pinawa, Manitoba (National Waste Management Organization 2017).
In mid-2015, Canada had 2.6 million used fuel bundles. At close to 22 kilograms each, that totals about 52000 tons of nuclear waste. About 58% of these is being stored in “wet storage” and 42% in “dry storage.” Spent fuel rods are initially stored in water pools for cooling for a period of 7 to 10 years.  At the beginning, the waste is approximately 3,000,000 times more radioactive than the source uranium. It is at this stage that nuclear energy poses its greatest risk. But the cooling process reduces the radioactivity to approximately 30,000 times as radioactive.  After this process, they are stored in concrete storage containers which are ½ inch of steel, encased in 20 inches of cement, coated in ½ inch of steel again. These containers are designed to last for 50 years, at which point they might be reinforced, or discarded with the nuclear waste transferred to new containers. The containers are regularly monitored. After 100 years of storage it is still more than 1000 times as radioactive as uranium and after 1000 years, more than 100 times as radioactive (National Waste Management Organization 2017).  
Long-term storage
The current federal discussion surrounding long-term storage of Canada’s nuclear waste are about how to transition to long-term storage, and to some extent, what the long-term is. Estimates for operating a storage facility for 300 years, starting around 2035, run between $18 billion and $28 billion (Globe and Mail, 2009). Unfortunately, 300 years is not sufficient to dissipate the radioactivity of the waste. The cost of $30 billion per 300 years is therefore for an indefinite period.
                It is also not yet clear where the optimal storage facility will be. The federal government convened a panel under the aegis of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and they recommended a facility underground, in limestone. But the panel faced criticism suggesting that seepage was inevitable over the long-term and this might change the geology of the area. Moreover, in the indefinite time-horizon, we don’t really know what the geology of an area will be, so this is not a permanent solution (Mittlestaedt 2009).
                The leading proposed site for long-term waste disposal is the Deep Geologic Repository (DGR), near the Bruce power plant, and also about 1 km from Lake Huron. The DGR is proposed to rest 680 meters below the surface and about 500 meters below the deepest part of Lake Huron. At such depths, the risks to the lake were found to be negligible (Ontario Power Generation 2017). Apart from being deep, the land is a combination of limestone and shale and hence not very permeable for radiation. There is also very little seismic activity there.

Health Risks Relative to Other Energy Sources
Although there is a health risk of approximately 0.07 fatalities per terawatt of nuclear energy, the comparable risk for natural gas based energy is 2.8 fatalities and 24.8 for coal (Lemstra). This is based on several studies published in the Lancet up to 2007 in Europe and does not consider the risks of severe nuclear accidents at a scale not yet witnessed. But it equally leaves out projected effects of global warming due to the burning of fossil fuel. One cannot be extremely confident about whether chemical or nuclear power generation poses a great risk, due to the large uncertainties about the long-run impacts of radioactive nuclear isotopes on the one hand, and the evolution of CO2-fueled global warming on the other. But a provisional evaluation might be that nuclear power seems to generate localized risks whereas chemical energy entails risks of global magnitudes.

Based on the recent scale of power generation across several industries, including effects to nuclear power plant workers as well as those affected by nuclear accidents, nuclear power has proven remarkably safe. Although future risks are very difficult to quantify for a substance that will remain as waste material for millennia, nuclear power has been far safer than fossil fuel based energy—our principle source of energy. 


Canadian Nuclear Association (2017). “Myths and Facts: Uranium Mining and Processing”. [Accessed 19 March 2017].

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2017a). “Radiation Doses”.
[Accessed 17 March 2017].

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (2017b). Uranium Mines and Mills Waste
[Accessed 19 March 2017].

Chambers, D. (2009), Review of the report “Exposure to Radiation and Health Outcomes”. Canadian Nuclear Association
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Curran, P. Battle for Victim Finally Ending, Cancer Victim Hopes. Montreal Gazette. April 16, 1985.
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Cuttler, J. (2014). Remedy for Radiation Fear: Disregard the Politicized Science. Dose Response. May, 2014.  Available at: <> [Accessed April 2, 2017].

Dunphy, M. (2014) Canada’s Fukushima: Could a Tsunami Cause a Nuclear Disaster in New Brunswick?. The Straight. July 18, 2014
[Accessed 18 March 2017].

Garamszeseghy, M. (2015) Nuclear Fuel Waste Projections in Canada – 2015 Update. Nuclear Waste Management Organization. December, 2015. Available at: <>
[Accessed 19 March 2017].

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (2017). Uranium: Its Uses and Hazards. Available at:

Lemstra, M. (2009). Exposure to Radiation and Health Outcomes. [pdf] Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives. Available at:> [Accessed 17 March 2017].

MIT News, 1994. “Radiation, How Much Is Considered Safe for Human?”. Available at [Accessed 17 March 2017].

Mittlestaedt, M. (2009) Group Outlines Cost of Storing Nuclear Waste. Globe and Mail. March 18, 2009. Available at:

National Waste Management Organization (2017).  Canada’s Used Nuclear Fuel. Available at:
[Accessed 19 March 2017].

Natural Resources Canada (2017a). About Uranium. Available at: [Accessed 18 March 2017].

Natural Resources Canada (2017b). The Canadian Nuclear Industry and its Economic Contribution. Available at:

Natural Resources Canada. (2017c) Uranium Mine and Mill Tailings. Available at:

Natural Resources Canada, (2011) Canada’s Ten Largest Earthquakes. Available at:

Ontario Power Generation (2017). OPG’s Deep Geological Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Waste. Available at:

Wilkins, C. (2017) Inside the Race for Canada’s Nuclear Waste: 11 Towns Vie to Host Deep Burial Site. Globe and Mail. January 5, 2017. Available at:

Winfield, M., Jamison, A., Wong, R., Czajkowski, P. (2006). Nuclear Power in Canada: An Examination of Risks, Impact and Sustainability.  The Pembina Institute. Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2017].

World Nuclear Association (2017). Nuclear Energy in Canada. Available at: